2017.8.15環球澳門首場賽事 Macau

球檔案室 – #GC2017 澳門站】Global Archives – #GC2017 Macau

2017年8月15日,Global Classic 於澳門威尼斯人酒店舉辦首場賽事。 Marco與Hugo於評判席上合照




環球全場總冠軍獎座 最早的標誌設計


The first game of Global Classic was held at The Venetian Macau on August 15, 2017. A photograph of Marco and Hugo at the judging table Post on Facebook after arriving in Macau. There were only three categories that year! (Men’s Bodybuilding Open, Men’s Physique, and Women’s Bikini) Marco was giving posing instructions to the athletes as the head judge. The trophy for the overall championship winner of Global Classic , the earliest logo design.


2017.12.3環球廣州站賽事 Guangzhou

【環球檔案室 – #GC2017 廣州站 Global Archives – #GC2017 Guangzhou】.

2017年12月3日,Global Classic 於廣州舉辦第二場賽事。
Eddie Lai 是2017年首屆環球廣州站全場總冠軍〈三萬哥〉(他亦是後來2020 Global Classic 的全場總冠軍,獲頒 IFBB PRO card)
總評判長Marco Lam於賽前與評判團舉行judge meeting
評判團——澳門代表萬卓光師傅(中)及耀晉國際創辦人Hang Yip(右)
評判團——金城(左)在兩年後亦獲取了 IFBB PRO 資格

The Global Classic held its second race in Guangzhou on December 3, 2017.
Eddie Lai was the overall champion of the first Global Guangzhou 2017.
(he was also the overall champion of the subsequent 2020 Global Classic and was awarded the IFBB PRO card)
A total of 800 athletes participated in this event.

Head Judge Marco Lam held a judging meeting with the judging panel before the competition

Judging panel – Macau representative Master Wan Cheuk Kwong (middle) and Yew Jin International founder Hang Yip (right)

Judging panel – Kam Seng (left) has also obtained the IFBB PRO qualification after two years

2018 .5.4環球香港站賽事 HongKong

【環球檔案室 – #GC2018 香港站 Global Archives – #GC2018 Hong Kong】

2018年5月4日,Global Classic 首次於香港舉行本地賽事。

圖一:是次賽事誕生了Global Classic在香港的首個Men’s Physique及Women’s Bikini全場總冠軍(新秀及公開)


圖四:中國美臀小姐冠軍姜麗明小姐 MOMO 美臀示範

圖七-八:總評判長Marco賽前與評判團進行 Judge meeting

圖九:首屆香港 Global Classic 評判團隊


Global Classic held its first ever local competition in Hong Kong on May 4, 2018.

Photo 1: The event gave birth to Global Classic’s first Men’s Physique and Women’s Bikini overall championship in Hong Kong ( Novice and Open )

Photo 2: The first event reached the maximum attendance of 700 spectators and 300 athletes, which is considered a full house

Picture 4: Miss Jiang Liming MoMo, the champion of Miss China Booty Bikini, demonstrating her booty

Photo 7-8: Head Judge Marco had a Judge meeting with the judges before the competition

Photo 9: Judging team of the first Hong Kong Global Classic

Photo 10: The staff who assisted in the competition

2018.10.1 環球石家莊站賽事 Shijiazhuang

【環球檔案室#GC2018 石家莊站 Global Archives – #GC2018 Shijiazhuang

2018年10月1日,Global Classic 於 河北 石家莊 舉行青年邀請賽,是次賽事總獎金達30萬。

石家莊是一個甚麼概念? 那是一個與北京相距約3小時車程的城市,也是搖滾樂隊萬能青年旅店成立的地方。Global Classic 下一站賽事於上海舉行。

評判長 Marco 賽前與評判團進行 Judge meeting

是次賽事大會由香港、澳門、廣州、上海、及石家莊各方代表聯手組成,左起:澳門代表 Hang、廣州代表 李燦先生、石家莊代表 順順、環球聯賽會長 Hugo、上海代表 于洪先生、香港代表 Marco、以及廣州代表 金城先生


On October 1, 2018, Global Classic held its Youth Invitational Tournament in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, with a total prize pool of $300,000. The next stop of Global Classic Show was held in Shanghai. Judges meeting with Marco and the judges before the event The event was organized by representatives from Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shijiazhuang. From left: Hang from Macau, Lee Chan from Guangzhou, Shun Shun from Shijiazhuang, Hugo, President of Global League, Yu Hong from Shanghai, Marco from Hong Kong, and Jin Cheng from Guangzhou

2018.11.13 環球上海站賽事 Shanghai

【環球檔案室 – #GC2018 上海站 Global Archives – #GC2018 Shanghai

2018年11月13日,Global Classic 於 上海 舉行賽事,是次總獎金同樣高達30萬。今次亦都榮幸邀請到已故的2018 Mr. Olympic 冠軍 Shawn Rhoden(April 2, 1975 – November 6, 2021) 到比賽現場作表演嘉賓。


評判長 Marco 與 2018 Mr. Olympic 冠軍 Shawn Rhoden 握手


2018 Global Classic 上海站美臀小姐

The Global Classic was held in Shanghai on November 13, 2018, with a total prize pool of $300,000. We were honored to have the late Mr. Olympic Champion Shawn Rhoden (April 2, 1975 – November 6, 2021) as our guest performer. Group photo of the overall champion Judges Marco shaked hands with Mr. Olympic 2018 Champion Shawn Rhoden 2018 Global Classic Shanghai Miss Booty Bikini

2018.11.25 環球澳門站賽事 Macau

【環球檔案室 – #GC2018 澳門站 Global Archives – #GC2018 Macau

2018年11月25日,Global Classic 於 澳門威尼斯人酒店 舉行 Superbowl 賽事,為各全場總冠軍頒發了IFBB Pro Card。



On November 25, 2018, Global Classic held the Superbowl at The Venetian Macau and awarded the IFBB Pro Card to the overall champion of each category. We would like to thank all the athletes and fans who supported the Global Classic all the way, the organizers and all the staffs who worked hard behind the scenes and in front of the competition.

2019 .4.17環球香港站賽事 HongKong

【環球檔案室#GC2019 香港Global Archives – #GC2019 Hong Kong

2019 416-17 . Global classic M program .首站在香港柴灣青年廣場y綜藝館舉行. 賽事總獎金30 全院 650位觀眾席全滿. 運動員達到300 衷心感激在場每一位工作人員,評判,運動員. 在這年盛大揭


April 16-17, 2019. This year Global classic M program competition. The first stop was held in Hong Kong at the Youth Square in Chai Wan. The total prize money was $300,000. 650 seats were filled.

The number of athletes reached 300. 


A big thank you to all the staff, judges and athletes in attendance. In this year’s grand opening.


2019.6.8 環球蒙古站賽事 Mongolia

【環球檔案室 – #GC2019 蒙古站 Global Archives – #GC2019 Mongolia

2019 年6月8日 Global Classic 應蒙古國家總理邀請於烏蘭巴托舉辨首屆Global Classic 蒙古總理盃.




On June 8, 2019, Global Classic was invited by the Prime Minister of Mongolia to hold the first Global Classic Mongolia Prime Minister’s Championship in Ulaanbaatar.With the support of the Mongolian government, the event was held with the full confidence of both sides.

2019 .8.8環球廣州站賽事 Guangzhou

【環球檔案室 – #GC2019 廣州站 Global Archives – #GC2019 Guangzhou Station 】 

2019 年8月8日 Global Classic 廣州站 ,這已是環球廣州站第三次舉辦. 報名運動員突破 800人!更有多組组 別出場運動員達50人以上!這亦是我們環球賽事運動員人數最多之一!


今屆賽事 雖然人數歷來最多!但亦有賴每一位工作人員,評判 ,所有崗位配合,賽事得以完滿舉行.



August 8, 2019 Global Classic Guangzhou, this is the third time for Global Classic in Guangzhou. The number of registered athletes exceeded 800! There are more than 50 athletes in many categories! This was also one of the highest number of athletes in our Global Classic show!


This year’s event has the largest number of athletes ever! But thanks to the cooperation of the staff, judges and all positions, the event was held successfully.


2019.9.23 環球日本站賽事 Japan

【環球檔案室 – #GC2019 日本站 Global Archives – #GC2019 Japan Station

2019 年9月22-23日 Global Classic 在8月完成廣州站後,便馬不停蹄未放下腳步 .再到日本東京昭島市舉辦日本環球賽.


今次賽事,中國及香港亦有 運動員出戰 ,戰況激烈 ! 完成9月日本環球賽後 ,同年10月我們到上海站見環球國際,你我同行!



September 22-23, 2019 Global Classic After the Guangzhou stop in August. The Global Classic Japan was held in Akishima, Tokyo, Japan.


This time, there were athletes from China and Hong Kong competing in this event! After finishing the Japan Global Classic in September, we will see you in Shanghai in October of the same year  Global Classic, you and me together!


2019.9.29 環球上海站賽事 Shanghai

【環球檔案室 – #GC2019 上海站 】 Global classic 上海站 9月28-29日 舉行. 而首天[[[28/9為本地賽,]]] 主要是 不同項目本地男女子新秀賽事,其中有新加入之比赛項目: 肌肉服色扮演 [[ cosplay muscular]]! 運動員除了展現肌肉外,亦要穿著不同角色服飾 及自選posing.比拼,現場觀眾反應熱烈 !及當日各項目新秀全場總冠軍,會繼續保持狀態 ,挑戰第二日各公開成年组 ,爭奪 最高榮譽! 環球之王及 IFBB 職業認可證! [[ 29/9 為環球之王IFBB PRO職業賽 ]] 經過 全日緊湊戰況!各運動員混身解數! 最後六個組別六位全場總冠軍 得到我們最高殊榮 !當日各大傳媒爭先採訪。場面震撼 ! 環球國際, 你我同行!


Global Archives – #GC2019 Shanghai Station 


Global classic Shanghai is held on September 28-29. The first day of the [[[28/9 for local competition,]]] will be dedicated to local men’s and women’s novice competitions, with a new event: [[cosplay muscular]]!

The athletes not only show their muscles, but also dress up in different costumes and choose their own posing! The overall champion of each event, the novice, will continue to keep their form and challenge for the highest honor in each open category on the second day! The King of the Global Classic and the IFBB Pro Card!

 [[29/9 for the IFBB PRO show]] after a full day of intense action! All athletes are trying their best! In the end, the six overall champions in the six categories received our highest honor! All the major media were covering the event that day. The scene was amazing! We are here to help!


2019.11.14 環球澳門站賽事Macau

【環球檔案室 – #GC2019 澳門站 superbowl 】 

Global classic Superbowl/ IFBB PRO QUALIFER職業認證賽11月23-24日 ,在澳門威尼斯人酒店 盛大舉行! 這是2019年最後一場 Global classic 賽事.9月29日剛完成上海站,兩個月後,我們再到澳門 舉辦環球終極賽!今次每一個項目的環球之王,順利誕生!我们亦發出六 張 IFBB PRO CARD ! 由首站[香港], [蒙古 烏蘭巴托] ,[ 廣州], [日本], [上海,] 到今次終極站 [[澳門]], 我們環球賽事已在亞洲區一年內舉辦了六次 ! 六個不同地方的領域 !一直以來 衷心多謝支持我們環球的所有人 。 環球國際!你我同行!

Global Archives – #GC2019 Macau Superbowl 

Global classic Superbowl/ IFBB PRO QUALIFER was held on November 23-24 at The Venetian Macau! 

This is the last Global classic event of 2019. We just finished Shanghai on September 29th, and two months later, we are back in Macau for the Global Classic! This time, the Global King of each event was born!

We also issued 6 IFBB PRO CARD ! 

From our first stop in [Hong Kong], [Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia], [Guangzhou], [Japan], [Shanghai,] to this final stop in [[Macau]], we have held the Global Race six times in one year in Asia! Six different areas! Thank you to everyone who has supported us at Global. Global International! You and me!


2020.12.15 環球香港站賽事Hongkong

【環球檔案室 – #GC2020 香港站 】                              


Global classic M program/IFBB PRO QUALIFIER職業認證賽   。[[這亦是本港歷史上2020年唯一的健美賽事]].   2020年初新冠病毒疫情肆虐全球. 原應賽事舉辦於5月…但因 政府管制措施 及疫情所影響 !因而令到本地其他屬會選擇取消賽事!  雖然我們Global Classic 比賽日期都有改期, 但最後我們為了不負運動員所託 排除萬難,終鐵定於2020年12月15日  在保護運動員健康為初心,不設对外觀眾入場,減低感染,如常成功舉行 !而今次賽事合併包括:本地新秀,青年,資深組別及 Ifbb Pro qualifier 職業認證賽 ,同一日順利舉行! 再次多謝每一位支持Global Classic的粉絲、朋友!


Global Archives – #GC2020 Hong Kong                              


Global classic M program/IFBB PRO QUALIFIER. [[This is also the only bodybuilding event in the history of Hong Kong in 2020]].   In early 2020, the new coronavirus epidemic hit the world. The event was supposed to be held in May… but due to government control measures and the epidemic! As a result, other local organizations have chosen to cancel the event!  Although the Global Classic was rescheduled, we finally decided to hold the event on December 15, 2020 to protect the health of our athletes and to reduce the risk of infection by eliminating the need for spectators! This year’s event included local rookie, youth, senior and Ifbb Pro qualifier competitions, all held on the same day! Thanks again to all the fans and friends who supported Global Classic!