
男子健美 Men's Bodybuilding

男子健美衣著要求 :

1)  運動員需要穿著單色,不透明的褲,而顏色及物料不限 
2) 不能於運動褲內加上任何墊,運動褲需要覆蓋臀部3/4,以及正面必須完全覆蓋並不少於1cm
3) 運動員不可穿戴任何飾物 (鞋,眼鏡,手錶,頸鍵等) 結婚戒指除外

Men’s bodybuilding clothing requirements .

1) Athletes must wear monochrome, opaque pants of any color and material. 

2) No padding inside the pants, the pants must cover 3/4 of the buttocks, and the front must be completely covered with no less than 1cm.

3) Athletes are not allowed to wear any accessories (shoes, glasses, watches, neck keys, etc.) except for wedding rings.


面向裁判,其中一隻腳向前40-50cm ,並擺向側面 雙手手臂提高至與肩成一水平 , 手肘彎曲並肱二頭肌肉展出來.




Specified Movements 1.

Front Double Biceps

Facing the referee, one of the feet forward 40-50cm and swing to the side with both arms raised to shoulder level, elbows bent and biceps on display.

This action is mainly to show the biceps, while the athlete should contract the other muscles of the body.

The judge will first score the biceps, including muscle fullness, biceps size, and the separation of the biceps from the other muscles.

The judges will then score the biceps from head to toe, including the forearms, deltoids, and abdominal muscles, as well as muscle density, definition, and overall balance.





Designated Movement 2.

Front Lat Spread

Facing the judge, with thighs and feet in a straight line and no more than 15cm between the feet, clench your fists and confront your abdomen, and show the widest muscles of your back.

At the same time, the athlete should contract the other muscles as much as possible, but should not pull up the trunks to show more quadriceps.

The judge will first observe whether the athlete can show the broad back muscles (V-shape) and then score the athlete from head to toe.



運動員可以自行選擇Side Chest的方向,為了展示更強勁的手臀,可以選擇身體左邊或是右邊面向評判,面向評判的手臀屈曲成90度,緊握著手,而另一隻手則握實面向判的手的手腕。面向評判的大腿會輕微屈曲,並以腳指尖支撐著。


Designated Movement 3.

Side Chest 

The athlete can choose the direction of the Side Chest. To show a stronger hand and hip, the athlete can choose to face the judge on the left or right side of the body, bend the hip of the hand facing the judge to 90 degrees and hold the hand firmly, while the wrist of the hand facing the judge is held in the other hand. The thigh facing the judge will be slightly flexed and supported by the toes.

The athlete needs to extend the pectoralis major and maintain a contracted biceps, and the thigh muscles need to be contracted. By applying force to the toes, the calf muscles can be displayed at the same time.


The judge will first score the arch between the pectoralis major and the pectoralis major, and then the biceps, thighs and calves will be scored as a head-to-leg total.


背部面向評判,手臂以Front Double Biceps方式彎曲,其中一隻腳向後放,並以腳指尖支撐著。此運動需要收縮手臂及肩膊肌肉,上背及下背,大腿以及小腿肌肉。


Designated Movement 4.

Back Double Biceps

With your back facing the judge, bend your arms in Front Double Biceps, place one foot backwards and support it with your toes. This exercise requires contraction of the arm and shoulder muscles, upper and lower back, thigh and calf muscles.

The judges will first score the arm muscles, then head to toe, including the back and thigh muscles, and will also pay attention to muscle density, alignment and overall balance.




運動員應該展示與Back Double Biceps相反的小腿肌予評判評分,過程中運動員不能將內褲拉高以展示更多肌肉。



Designated movement 5.

Back Lat Spread

The back is facing the judge, hands are held solidly at the waist, elbows are stretched outward as far as possible and the distance between the feet is not more than 15cm. The athlete should pull the back muscle horizontally, the wider the back muscle, the better.

The athlete should show the opposite of the Back Double Biceps to the judges, and should not pull up their underwear to show more muscles.

The judges will rate the athlete’s back width and also rate

The judges will also rate the width of the back muscles, as well as the density of the muscles, the lines, and the head-to-toe rating.



運動員可以自行選擇身體那一邊面向評判,後手後放於背,同時雙手由手指互相抓緊,或是面向評判的手腕由另一隻手抓 緊。



Designated Movement 6.

Side Triceps

The athlete can choose which side of the body to face the judge and place the back hand behind the back while the hands are grasped by the fingers or the wrist facing the judge is grasped by the other hand.

The thigh furthest from the judge is flexed and supported by the toes. The athlete applies pressure to the arm facing the judge, causing the triceps to contract, while the chest is raised and the abdominal muscles, thighs and calves are contracted. The judge will first score the triceps and then the whole body muscles.







Designated Movement 7.

Abdominals and Thighs

The whole body faces the judge, hands behind the head, one of the legs forward

Place your legs no more than 15cm apart (optional), and curl your abdomen to contract your abdominal muscles and your thigh muscles to contract.

The judges will score the abdominal and thigh muscles, and then the head to foot muscles.

The judges will score the abdominal and thigh muscles and then the head to the feet.

男子古典健體 Men's Classic Physique

男子古典健體衣著要求 :

1)  運動員需要穿著單色,不透明的褲,而顏色及物料不限 
2) 不能於運動褲內加上任何墊,運動褲需要覆蓋臀部3/4,以及正面必須完全覆蓋並不少於1cm
3) 運動員不可穿戴任何飾物 (鞋,眼鏡,手錶,頸鍵等) 結婚戒指除外

Men’s Classic Physique clothing requirements .

1) Athletes must wear monochrome, opaque pants of any color and material. 

2) No padding inside the pants, the pants must cover 3/4 of the buttocks, and the front must be completely covered with no less than 1cm.

3) Athletes are not allowed to wear any accessories (shoes, glasses, watches, neck keys, etc.) except for wedding rings.


面向裁判,其中一隻腿向前40 – 50cm,並擺向側邊。雙手手臀提高至與肩膊成一水平,手肘彎曲並將肱二頭肌肌展示出來。





Designated Movements 1.

Front  Double Biceps 

Face the referee with one leg 40 – 50cm forward and swing to the side. Raise the hands and hips to shoulder level, bend the elbows and display the biceps muscles.


This movement is mainly to show the biceps, while the athlete should contract the other muscles of the body.


The judge will first score the biceps, including muscle fullness, biceps size, and biceps strength.


The size of the biceps and the separation of the biceps from the other muscles will be noted.


運動員可以自行選擇Side Chest的方向,為了展示更強勁的手臀,可以選擇身體左邊或是右邊面向評判,面向評判的手臀屈曲成90度,緊握著手,而另一隻手則握實面向判的手的手腕。面向評判的大腿會輕微屈曲,並以腳指尖支撐著。



Specified Movement 2.
Side Chest

The athlete can choose the direction of Side Chest. To show a stronger hand and hip, the athlete can choose to face the judge on the left or right side of the body, bend the hip of the hand facing the judge to 90 degrees and hold the hand firmly, while the wrist of the hand facing the judge is held in the other hand. The thigh facing the judge will be slightly flexed and supported by the toes.

The athlete needs to extend the pectoralis major and maintain a contracted biceps, and the thigh muscles need to be contracted. By applying force to the toes, the calf muscles can be displayed at the same time.

The judge will first score the arch between the pectoralis major and the pectoralis major, and then the biceps, thighs and calves will be scored as a head-to-leg total.


背部面向評判,手臂以Front Double Biceps方式彎曲,其中一隻腳向後放,並以腳指尖支撐著。此運動需要收縮手臂及肩膊肌肉,上背及下背,大腿以及小腿肌肉。


Designated Movement 3.

Back Double Biceps

With your back facing the judge, bend your arms in Front Double Biceps, place one foot backwards and support it with your fingertips. This exercise requires contraction of the arm and shoulder muscles, upper and lower back, thigh and calf muscles.

The judges will first score the arm muscles, then head to toe, including the back and thigh muscles, and will also look at muscle density, alignment and overall balance.






Designated Movement 4.

abdominal and thigh 

The whole body faces the judge, hands behind the head, one of the legs forward

The legs are placed no more than 15 cm apart (optional), and the exerciser will curl the abdomen to contract the abdominal muscles and the thigh muscles at the same time.

The judges will score the abdominal and thigh muscles, and then the head to foot muscles.

The judges will score the abdominal and thigh muscles, then the head to the feet.



評判將找出一個運動員能夠 肌肉展現程序流,其中可能包括自選動作 ,包括指定動作 .參賽者還必須包括間歇性動作,以顯示其肌肉發揮.

Specified Movements 5.

Classic Pose

Judging Requirements

Judges will find an athlete who is able to demonstrate a smooth muscular routine, which may include optional movements, including specified movements. Competitors must also include intermittent movements to show their muscle play.

男子健體 Men's Physique

男健體衣著要求 :

1) 運動員會穿上不透明、稍為寬鬆、長度至膝蓋的短褲
3) 運動員不可穿戴任何飾物 (鞋,眼鏡,手錶,頸鍵等) 結婚戒指除外







Stand straight, head and eyes facing the same direction as the body, with one hand on the hip area and four of the fingers in front of the body. One of the feet is placed slightly on the side of the body, the other hand hangs down along the body and moves slightly to the side of the body, the elbow is slightly flexed, the palm is opened and straightened.

The knees should not be flexed, the abdominal and latissimus dorsi muscles are slightly contracted, and the head is raised.

Athletes who fail to perform this requirement will receive a warning and will be

One point will be deducted.




Stand straight, head and eyes in the same direction as the body, one hand on the hip, 4 fingers in front of the body, the other hand down along the body and slightly extended outward, palm open, one of the feet slightly moving back and to the side and touching the ground with the fingers, slight flexion of the back muscle, head up.


Global Classic 所有賽事 及 IFBB職業聯盟組織 Men’s Physique 運動員正面動作時雙腳禁止站合

男子模特健體 Men's Model Fitness

模特健體衣著要求 :

1) 鬆身短褲 (顏色不限)
2) 不需要穿著運動鞋
3) 油彩盡量自然視乎個人要求,目標以最自然感覺上台

模特健體評分Model Fitness  scoring criteria – 預賽
The athletes have 3 quarter turns to show their muscle‘s conditions including:
1. 正面 Front

2.背面 Back

3.自選動作 . Optional Pos

athletes can choose the pose that can show the most muscle lines

與預賽相同,同時增設15秒之個人自選動作,同時大會會按情況要求運動員之間互相進行15秒自選動作以作比較提示:Model Fitness評分準則不包括下身肌肉線條及分離度

-The final round will be the same as the pre judging round, with an additional 15 seconds of optional posing, and athletes will be asked to compare each other’s 15 seconds of optional posing as appropriate. Note: Model Fitness scoring criteria does not include lower body musculature and separation.

Men's Aesthetic Physique 男子型格健體







Men’s physique Aesthetic rating requirements.

1) Same as bodybuilding, need to have sunshine and confidence

2) The evaluation should be done on the muscle mass of the lower body

3) Whether the posture chosen can fully show the front, back and abdominal muscles

4) The smoothness of the posture

Women's Bikini 女子比堅尼






Women’s Bikini Dress Code :

1) Bikini must be a 2-piece set and opaque
2) The color, material and decoration of the bikini, as well as the color and design of the high heels, except for the following prohibited items, can be decided by the entrant
3) The thickness of the sole of the high heels must not be more than 1cm, the heel must be a maximum of 12cm, and platform shoes must not be worn
4) The bottom of the bikini must cover 1/3 of the buttocks and all frontal area.




Face the judge with one hand on the hip and one foot slightly to the side.







The participant will make a 1/4 turn to the right with the back of the body facing the judge.

The back of the body will be facing the judge.

Stand straight, no leaning forward of the upper body, legs straight, no bending, feet not beyond the shoulders, one foot slightly to the side of the body, one hand on the hip, the other hand down vertically along the body and slightly to the side with the palm open. The shoulders are backward but not narrowed, the lower back curve is kept natural, and the upper back is straight.

The athlete must not turn the upper body towards the judge.

Women's Wellness Bikini 女子健康比堅尼


NPC、NPC Worldwide 和IFBB 職業聯賽Wellness Bikini 服飾的規則與我們所有其他

比賽項目規則相同。 裝束服飾用料可以用金粉或金片。 參賽者將穿著兩件套比賽。

與Figure ,Women’s Physique 比賽服不同,上衣與下衣不可相連。

比賽褲的前部必須是V 形的, 上衣背部的剪裁與比基尼目前的標準相同。 不允許穿丁字褲。

Women’s Wellness Bikini Dress Code.

The rules for NPC, NPC Worldwide and IFBB Pro League Wellness Bikini attire are the same as all of our other

The rules are the same as for all our other competitions. Attire may be made of gold dust or gold flakes. Participants will wear a two-piece suit for the competition.

Unlike the Figure, Women’s Physique, the top and bottom are not attached to each other.

The front of the competition pants must be V-shaped and the cut of the back of the top is the same as the current bikini standard. Thongs are not allowed.


參賽者將面向前方,一隻手放在臀部,一隻手臂伸直,一隻腿略微伸展。 我們不希望看到手臂在肘部彎曲和手腕彎曲的情況下偏向一邊。


The participant will face forward with one hand on the hip, one arm straight and one leg slightly extended. We do not want to see the arm bent to one side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent.


參賽者將右手放在臀部, 左臂伸直向下,右腿彎曲 膝蓋,略微轉向裁判。 更像是比基尼選手錶演的扭 轉側姿勢。 我們不想看到手臂在肘部彎曲和手腕向 上彎曲的情況下偏向一邊。

Quarter Turn Right:

Participants place their right hand on their hip, extend their left arm straight down, bend their right leg over the knee and turn slightly toward the judge. This is more like a twist to the side as performed by a bikini contestant. We don’t want to see the arm turned to the side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upward.


參賽者將面向後方,下 背部拱起,臀部向後推。我們不想看到手臂在肘 部彎曲和手腕向上彎曲 的情況下偏向一邊。

Quarter Turn Back :

The participant will be facing backwards with the lower back arched and the hips pushed backwards. We do not want to see the arm bent to one side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upward.



參賽者將左手放在臀部略微轉向裁判,右臂放鬆,左腿彎曲膝蓋。 我們不想看到手臂在肘部彎曲和手腕向上彎曲的情況下偏向一邊。

Quarter Turn Right:
The participant turns slightly toward the judge with the left hand on the hip, the right arm relaxed and the left leg bent at the knee. We do not want to see the arm bent to one side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upward.



股四頭肌應該顯示出運動的外觀,有輕微的分離但沒有條紋。 不像女子健體和 女子型體  形態 和線條。臀大肌肌肉方向? 臀肌圓潤,膕繩肌和臀肌區域

之間有輕微的分離,但沒有條紋,就像比堅尼組一樣。臀大肌將比比堅尼更大。 它們不會像女子健體 和 女子型體 那樣深層分明 和線條突出。

Wellness Bikini game rules.

What is the goal of the quadriceps display?

The quadriceps should show an athletic appearance, with a slight separation but no striations. Unlike women’s Figure and Women’s Physique shapes and lines. Gluteus maximus muscle direction? The gluteus maximus is rounded, with a slight separation between the hamstring and gluteus regions

There is a slight separation between the gluteus maximus and the gluteus area, but no striations, like in the bikini group. The gluteus maximus will be larger than the bikini. They will not be as deep and well-defined and prominent as in the Women’s Figure and Women’s Physique.

Women's Physique 女子型格


面向裁判,其中一隻腳向前40-50cm ,並擺向側面 雙手手臂提高至與肩成一水平 , 手肘彎曲並肱二頭肌肉展出來.




Specified Movements 1.

Front Double Biceps

Facing the referee, one of the feet forward 40-50cm and swing to the side with both arms raised to shoulder level, elbows bent and biceps on display.

This action is mainly to show the biceps, while the athlete should contract the other muscles of the body.

The judge will first score the biceps, including muscle fullness, biceps size, and the separation of the biceps from the other muscles.

The judges will then score the biceps from head to toe, including the forearms, deltoids, and abdominal muscles, as well as muscle density, definition, and overall balance.



運動員可以自行選擇Side Chest的方向,為了展示更強勁的手臀,可以選擇身體左邊或是右邊面向評判,面向評判的手臀屈曲成90度,緊握著手,而另一隻手則握實面向判的手的手腕。面向評判的大腿會輕微屈曲,並以腳指尖支撐著。


Designated Movement 2.

Side Chest 

The athlete can choose the direction of the Side Chest. To show a stronger hand and hip, the athlete can choose to face the judge on the left or right side of the body, bend the hip of the hand facing the judge to 90 degrees and hold the hand firmly, while the wrist of the hand facing the judge is held in the other hand. The thigh facing the judge will be slightly flexed and supported by the toes.

The athlete needs to extend the pectoralis major and maintain a contracted biceps, and the thigh muscles need to be contracted. By applying force to the toes, the calf muscles can be displayed at the same time.

The judge will first score the arch between the pectoralis major and the pectoralis major, and then the biceps, thighs and calves will be scored as a head-to-leg total.


背部面向評判,手臂以Front Double Biceps方式彎曲,其中一隻腳向後放,並以腳指尖支撐著。此運動需要收縮手臂及肩膊肌肉,上背及下背,大腿以及小腿肌肉。


Designated Movement 3.

Back Double Biceps

With your back facing the judge, bend your arms in Front Double Biceps, place one foot backwards and support it with your toes. This exercise requires contraction of the arm and shoulder muscles, upper and lower back, thigh and calf muscles.

The judges will first score the arm muscles, then head to toe, including the back and thigh muscles, and will also pay attention to muscle density, alignment and overall balance.



運動員可以自行選擇身體那一邊面向評判,後手後放於背,同時雙手由手指互相抓緊,或是面向評判的手腕由另一隻手抓 緊。



Designated Movement 4.

Side Triceps

The athlete can choose which side of the body to face the judge and place the back hand behind the back while the hands are grasped by the fingers or the wrist facing the judge is grasped by the other hand.

The thigh furthest from the judge is flexed and supported by the toes. The athlete applies pressure to the arm facing the judge, causing the triceps to contract, while the chest is raised and the abdominal muscles, thighs and calves are contracted. The judge will first score the triceps and then the whole body muscles.







Designated Movement 5.

Abdominals and Thighs

The whole body faces the judge, hands behind the head, one of the legs forward

Place your legs no more than 15cm apart (optional), and curl your abdomen to contract your abdominal muscles and your thigh muscles to contract.

The judges will score the abdominal and thigh muscles, and then the head to foot muscles.

The judges will score the abdominal and thigh muscles and then the head to the feet

Women's Figure 女子型體





























Women’s Figure clothing requirements:

1) Bikini must be 2-piece, opaque, and 2-piece with connected by a rope

2) The color, material and decoration of the bikini, as well as the color and design of the high heels, except for the prohibited items mentioned below, can be decided by the contestants themselves.

3) The thickness of the sole of the high heels must not be more than 1 cm, and the heel must be a maximum of  12 cm. Platform shoes cannot be worn

4) The bottom of the bikini must cover 1/3 of the buttocks and all frontal area.

Women's Model Fitness 女子模特

全城最受矚目的新項目Women’s Model Fitness


1.上身貼身運動背心. 下身貼身運動短褲 。





Women’s Model Fitness is the most talked about new program in town.

Dress code and requirements are as follows:

1.Upper body tank top. Bottom: sports shorts.

2.No oil paint, the goal is to go on stage with the most natural feeling.

3.Wearing white sports shoes.

4.Two turns and a pose of your choice.

5.Participation in this contest will not affect your eligibility for the Novice category.

模特健體評分Model Fitness  scoring criteria – 預賽
The athletes have 3 quarter turns to show their muscle‘s conditions including:
1. 正面 Front
2背面 Back
3自選動作 . Optional Pos

athletes can choose the pose that can show the most muscle lines

與預賽相同,同時增設15秒之個人自選動作,同時大會會按情況要求運動員之間互相進行15秒自選動作以作比較提示:Model Fitness評分準則不包括下身肌肉線條及分離度

-The final round will be the same as the pre judging round, with an additional 15 seconds of optional posing, and athletes will be asked to compare each other’s 15 seconds of optional posing as appropriate. Note: Model Fitness scoring criteria does not include lower body musculature and separation.